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Implementation Process and Review Method


History of Taipei City's Efforts to Promote Sustainable Development

The compilation of the City's Voluntary Local Report stemmed from the conclusion reached in the 44th meeting of the City's Council for Sustainable Development in July 2016. It was decided that the reports should compare existing sustainable development indicators from the City's strategic roadmap with the ISO 37120 indicators of the World Council on City Data (WCCD) and the UN SDG indicators. In-depth evaluations and analyses of various indicators based on the SDG indicators will also be conducted in order to adjust the composition and structure of the Council's work accordingly. After numerous rounds of collaborations between government agencies and negotiations with experts and scholars, the Council decided on the priority promotion SDGs at the 49th Council meeting in November 2017. Based on Taipei City's existing sustainable development goals and strategic roadmap, the Council established tasks corresponding to various SDGs, proposing or amending strategies, visions, goals, and action plans accordingly.

Taipei City


In March 2019, Mayor visited the US. While in New York, he spoke about the progress Taipei City had made to promote sustainable development in line with the SDGs. During the meeting, he also announced plans to follow New York's footsteps, prioritize SDG 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 17 with the mindset of “Global Perspective, Taipei Action”, and officially published the “Sustainable Development Goals - Taipei City Voluntary Local Review” in September 2019.




In 2020, the City continued the outcome of the 2019 Voluntary Local Review, reexamining the 17 SDGs and their connection to the City. Considering the importance of education, gender equality, economic development, and infrastructure, the City decided to prioritize four additional SDGs - SDG 4, 5, 8, and 9. Additionally, many of the epidemic prevention measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic also echoed the seven prioritiy SDGs. In September 2020, the City officially published the 2nd version of “Sustainable Development Goals - Taipei City Voluntary Local Review”, continuing to make rolling reviews and adjustments to various tasks and regularly disclosing the results, gradually moving toward the goal of becoming a “Livable and Sustainable city”.



Climate actions are closely related to sustainable development. On Earth Day, April 22, 2021, Taipei City mayor announced that “Taipei City will courageously shoulder its international responsibility to reduce global carbon emissions, pursue the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and work with the rest of the world to ensure climate safety”. Therefore, the VLR report this year (2021) will focus on SDG 13 - Climate Action, showcasing the connections and relevant results of various SDGs and climate actions to gradually move towards achieving sustainable development and the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.



Taipei City returns to the original intention of leaving no one behind through Local Voluntary Review Reports, with the vision of creating a sustainable and inclusive capital of hope, starting from urban regeneration and humanistic transportation, to happy parenting and elderly care, as well as the results of urban exchanges and international cooperation, expanded to 16 SDGs to show citizens the sustainable governance of the city government team.