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Livable Sustainable Strategy

Taipei environment

A Multicultural Society and Ethnic Integration

Taipei City has a population of roughly 2.6 million. It is not the largest city in Taiwan, but it has the highest population density. Its ethnic composition is diverse, including aborigines, Minnan, Hakka, mainlanders, new immigrants, and foreign nationals. It is therefore the epitome of a multicultural society and ethnic integration.


street trees


Due to its location near the 25 degrees north latitude, Taipei City has a monsoon-influenced subtropical climate with normal temperatures ranging from 16°C to 30°C. Annual precipitation amounts to 1,700 mm and the plum rain season from May to June tends to bring abundant rainfall.


SDG Taipei

Review Methods

As the effects of climate change become more apparent, dealing with the impact of climate change has also become an important urban governance issue in addition to promoting the City's economic development. To protect the environment, promote social inclusion, and boost economic development, The Council for Sustainable Development, Taipei City Government (hereafter the Council) was established in 2004 under the framework of global sustainable development. The Council members are comprised of government officials, experts and scholars, NGOs, and industry representatives. The organization is divided into seven major task groups that make periodic adjustments and conduct rolling reviews of relevant issues regarding sustainable development through quarterly meetings. In 2021, to fulfill the obligations of a global citizen and share the collective international responsibility to jointly reduce carbon emissions, Taipei City Mayor announced on Earth Day (April 22) that “Taipei City will courageously shoulder its responsibility to reduce global carbon emissions, pursue the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and work with the rest of the world to ensure climate safety”. With this purpose in mind, the City will make efforts to achieve a new era of carbon neutrality.


green roof

Stage 1: Climate Action Strategic Development (2008–2015)

Taipei City signed the “Green Cities Declaration” and the “San Francisco Urban Environmental Accords” in San Francisco in 2005, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% in 2030 compared to 2005 levels. The City also passed the “Taipei to Promote Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Plan” in 2008, which laid the foundation for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Since 2009, Taipei City has independently monitored its greenhouse gas emissions, setting the first stage of its emission reduction target as “reducing greenhouse gas emissions between 2016 and 2020 to 2008 levels (16.4 million metric tons)”. In 2012, the City proposed the “Taipei Climate Change Adaptation Plan” along with continued efforts to enact relevant laws and regulations, passing regulations like the “Taipei City Ordinance for Industrial and Commercial Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Guidance and Self-Administration” and “Taipei City Self-government Ordinance for Green Buildings”. In 2014, Taipei City achieved its first stage target for greenhouse gas emissions reduction ahead of schedule.


solar penal

Stage 2: Climate Action Capacity Building (2015–2030)

In order to take more in-depth climate actions and expand the results of the “Taipei to Promote Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Plan”, Taipei City Government established the “Taipei City Greenhouse Gas Control Program” in 2016, setting mid to long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets. In 2019, the City also formulated the “Taipei City Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan” in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, establishing the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Supervisory Report” at the municipal level, which helped create comprehensive climate action monitoring mechanisms. According to statistics, the City's carbon emissions in 2020 amounted to 11.3 million tons, down 12.9% from 2005.

In 2021, based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, Taipei City adopted the principle of “from inner to outer, from public to private sector”, expanding policies such as renewable energy use, e-mobility, introducing smart zero-carbon buildings, and constructing a green innovation investment environment. The City adjusted its 2030 carbon reduction goal from 25% to 30% and established a target of net-zero emissions by 2050, launching its 2050 net-zero pathway assessment and planning work.

bike lanes

Stage 3: Climate Action Outcomes- (2030–2050)

Following the concept of “think globally, act locally”, Taipei City will build a consensus with its citizens on mitigating global warming and initiate active and effective climate actions with substantive results. This will allow the City to steadfastly achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 through government leadership, industry cooperation, citizen participation, and rolling reviews.