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Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages


United Nations SDGs targets currently in effect in Taipei

heath for child

Targets 3.4

By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable
diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.

Achieve universal health coverage

Targets 3.5

Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol.

road traffic accidents

Targets 3.6

By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.

provide access to medicines for all

Targets 3.B

Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and noncommunicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all.

Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment

Targets 3.C

Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in least developed countries and small island developing States.




free vaccination

Provide free vaccination to high-risk groups

Provide influenza vaccine and rotavirus vaccine subsidies and routine vaccinations, and expand the pneumococcal vaccine program to citizens over the age of 65 and indigenous people aged 55 to 64 to improve herd immunity.




Juvenile drug abuse prevention

The Department of Education carries out three levels of campus drug abuse prevention measures, including prevention advocacy, inspection and screening, and community counseling services. Additionally, the Juvenile Affairs Division of Taipei City Police Department (Juvenile Counseling Division) provides juvenile crime prevention and counseling services for juvenile delinquents while the Juvenile Welfare Service Center and other non-governmental organizations provide parenting education for parents with drug abusing children. For juvenile individuals with drug abuse, the “Youth integrative drug addiction treatment program of the Kunming Prevention and Control Center of the Taipei City Hospital” is provided, using case management services to integrate medical care, support, and collaboration of recovery resources in order to establish an integrative adolescent drug addiction prevention and treatment system.


Social participation services for senior citizens

Social participation services for senior citizens

Provide local community services in conjunction with relevant welfare resources. Provide consultation and referrals for home visits and greeting services as well as food and healthcare services. The City also subsidizes non-governmental organizations to help them form safe communities that protect the welfare of the elderly.


Suicide prevention

The City established the municipal-level  Suicide Prevention Center and organized health education campaigns to improve the professional knowledge and skills of suicide prevention workers. In 2020, a total of 103 suicide prevention course sessions were arranged with 11,493 attendances (person-time) and a total of 140,632 online views (person-time). The City also works with profession

Cancer education

Cancer screening and education

The City actively provides cancer prevention health educations, screenings, referrals or health consultation services, establishing the “Cancer Screening Management Center” to provide cancer prevention consultation and increase cancer screening rates. In 2020, 458,220 people completed Pap smear screening, 214,056 completed mammography screening, and 292,463 underwent colorectal cancer screening, bringing the cancer screening coverage rate to 43.82%.



Reduce road traffic accidents

Regarding the locations of A1 accidents, the City made improvements to traffic conditions and relevant law enforcement. In 2020, there was a total of 60 A1 accidents, and as a result, 196 proposals were made to improve road engineering and traffic safety education. Additionally, 147 traffic safety seminars were held for a total of 18,185 participants. There were also 40 school and group tours of the Transportation Park, with a total of 1,645 visitors.

people with dementia

Establish a support network for people with dementia

The City organizes community-baesd dementia screening and referral services, providing preliminary screening, confirmation of diagnosis, and assessment services for suspected patients to better assess and manage dementia cases. In 2020, a total of 905 people were diagnosed with dementia out of 1,621 suspected cases, resulting in a diagnostic rate of 55.83%





community integrated care

Promote community integrated care service plan

The City launched an innovative community integrative care service project to integrate the expertise of health and social administration units and implement proper division of labor, combining medical and mobile home services to reduce hospital visits and repeat medications for the elderly, thereby avoiding the overuse of healthcare resources. The project allows the City to better provide comprehensive and convenient medical and care services in times of long-term care worker shortage and limited subsidies.

In 2020, the City improved long-term care service quality and capacity by establishing long-term care service case classification and classified management services, strengthening the cooperation model between home-based medical care and long-term care service units. The City also continued to hold disability-delaying courses focused on topics including walking, nutrition, and swallowing. Professional rehabilitation teams regularly monitor the physical conditions of the elderly, designing courses based on the conditions of the elderly participants to strengthen their physical functions and delay disability, thereby allowing them to age in place. As of the end of 2020, the mobile service discovered 763 disabled cases in communities, served 590 individuals, and provided online consultation to 5,332 people. Service centers were set up in entrusted regions, holding a total of 1,616 disability-delaying, health promotion, and home career support events with a total of 23,451 attendances.

In addition to its long-term care policy, the City also established a local health care model to carry out the Taipei City Family Responsible Physician Care Integrated Plans. For every 100,000 people in Taipei city, 608 are registered physicians. In 2020, 2,947 cases were admitted, providing more than 12,073 home care/medical visit services by physicians, thereby implementing integrative care to individuals, families, and the community as a whole.

childcare services

Extend childcare services

Create a friendly environment for childrearing with diversified and fairly priced childcare service models to lessen the burden on parents and encouraging people of marriageable, childrearing age to have children. Establish family centers at each district and subsidize non-governmental organizations to open friendly childcare centers. In 2020, the City organized 22 government-instituted, privately operated infant daycare centers, 53 public infant daycare centers, and 176 private infant daycare centers, along with 4,288 home babysitters. Together, they have the capacity to provide childcare services to 8,829 infants. The City also opened 13 family centers and 11 friendly childcare centers that served a total of 1,315,923 people.

The City promoted the “quasi-public” policy, encouraging private infant daycare centers and babysitters to join the quasi-public partnership system and provide quality childcare services through fair pricing, price freezing, quality assessment, and incentive measures. In 2020, 75% of childcare centers are either public or quasi-public. To provide supportive services for families, the City established family centers in each administrative district and subsidized non-governmental groups to open friendly childcare centers, providing free family activity venues as well as relevant parenting courses, seminars, and other childcare support services. In 2020, the City opened 13 family centers and 11 friendly childcare centers that served a total of 1,315,923 people.

The City also continued to promote subsidy extensions for children aged two to three in order to respect the different developmental needs of different children. When children reach two years old, parents can continue to receive friendly childcare subsidies and assisting childcare allowances regardless of whether the children are cared for by home babysitters, public or private daycare centers, or relatives. Depending on the type of childcare and each child's order of birth, parents can receive additional subsidies ranging from NT$4,500 to NT$12,000, alleviating some of their childcare burdens and allowing them to send their children to childcare and work at their jobs with peace of mind.