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Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

United Nations SDGs targets currently in effect in Taipei

women and girls


End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.

Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres


Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.

Eliminate all harmful practices


Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership


Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking in political, economic and public life.

Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights


Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.

Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources


Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws.



Teenage pregnancy service

Teenage pregnancy service network

A unified contact channel to manage teenage pregnancy cases. In 2020, the Department of Social Welfare conducted 135 group courses for students and parents. The department also had Health Centers from the City's 12 districts or entrusted professional organizations pay home visits to provide services such as postnatal care, health education, and maternity care.



Breast cancer prevention

By integrating medical institutions, workplaces, and communities, the City conducts breast cancer screening notifications, inspections, and referrals for women above a certain age and those at high risk of breast cancer. The City also works with non-governmental cancer prevention foundations to raise awareness about cancer screening. In 2020, the rate of women aged between 45 and 69 that underwent mammography screenings within the past two years reached 40.61%.

Promote gender equality in inheritance

Promote gender equality in inheritance

To actively promote gender equality, the City's land offices handed out leaflets and hung up posters at community work report meetings, festivals, college seminars, and other events to promote the concept of equal inheritance regardless of gender, hoping to achieve the goal of gender equality in inheritance through different advocacy campaigns.



Flexible work programs for government employees caring for young children and the elderly

The City expanded its existing flexible work policy and reduced working hours in accordance with Article 19 of the Act of Gender Equality in Employment, thereby creating a friendly work environment that allows employees to balance work and family.




Domestic violence advocacy

Domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and advocacy

To educate the public on domestic violence and sexual assault prevention, the City consolidated resources, for example the Internet, print literature, online media, outdoor media, radio advertising, television interviews, and short films in a diverse advocacy campaign directed at all age groups. Considering the language barrier for new immigrants, translated versions of the campaign are also made available. Also, to increase the effectiveness of crime prevention advocacy, the City incorporated information regarding domestic violence prevention into district office events and meetings as well as social welfare workshops for neighborhood officials to spread the right message. In 2020, the City organized 46 domestic violence prevention events, including press conferences, dynamic and static promotional campaigns, and theater. The City also organized 19 sexual assault prevention advocacy events to educate the public on basic concepts such as “only yes means yes” and “acquaintance sexual assault”, as well as a seminar on the “Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Pamphlet”.

To ensure that the public is equipped with the proper knowledge about sexual harassment prevention, the City organized 23 sexual harassment prevention training sessions in 2020. Those attending the sessions include city government employees that handle or manage sexual harassment cases, cram school operators, family protection officers of the City's police departments, medical professionals, and department stores. The City also created the interactive online game “Is This Okay? Sexual Harassment Survey” and posted about the importance of sexual harassment prevention on the Facebook page “Taipei Women Speaking Out”. A total of 14,994 people (person-time) participated in the interactive game.

Promote gender equality at birth

Promote gender equality at birth

In 2020, the City promoted the concept of equal sex ratio and gender equality at birth under the slogan “Happy Family with a Boy or Girl”, emphasizing the importance of parents, children, spouses, and other family members by highlighting the concept of family as the source of love and happiness. Through the City government's “Humans of Taipei” Facebook page, social media focused on the health of women and children, and radio shows, the City promoted articles regarding the “Happy Family with a Boy or Girl” campaign with an online questionnaire and drawing event to better understand the public's perception and knowledge of gender equality.

The City also invited celebrities and experts to host a series of lectures covering topics including sex ratios and gender equality and encouraging men to be involved in childcare. Dynamic, easy-to-understand advertising and articles featuring celebrity interviews are published in pamphlets, magazines, and newspapers. These materials, along with active participation from the public and efforts from activists, strive to make sure the idea of gender equality is ingrained in people's hearts.


Workplace Gender Equality

Workplace Gender Equality Index implementation plan

To protect the rights and interests of workers, the City made improvements to create gender-friendly work environments, making businesses pay more attention to gender equality in the workplace. In 2018, the City established the “Taipei City Workplace Gender Equality Index” to help corporations promote gender equality. Implementation indicators are a way to examine various aspects of gender equality awareness within enterprises, providing a guide for enterprises to adjust existing policies to improve gender equality.

Since 2019, the City has organized advocacy meetings, challenge camps, and other events to promote workplace gender equality. The City not only continued to hold these events in 2020, but also added “gender diversity” as a bonus category in its 2020 gender equality indicators. The City also organized Taiwan's first workplace gender equality certification system. Of the 30 enterprises that applied, 12 were given the certification. These measures allow the City's business to better understand the meaning of workplace gender equality. A certification icon for workplace gender equality was designed. In the future, businesses that reach certain workplace gender equality criteria will be awarded the certification icon, which boosts their image.


Increase female participation in decision making

Civilian women, gender advocacy groups, and experts and scholars formed the “Taipei City Gender Equality Committee”, a public-private cooperative organization that participates in public affairs and had a role in planning many innovative “Taipei First” initiatives. The committee also plays an important role in consulting, guiding, and supervising the City government's gender-related policies. Also, to increase female participation in decision-making across all fields, the City requires all municipal task force committees to have either gender comprising 1/3 of all members. As of the end of 2020, 93% of all municipal task force committees met this requirement.