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Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


United Nations SDGs targets currently in effect in Taipei

global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavor to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation


Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavor to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production, with developed countries taking the lead.

 achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men


By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.

Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers


Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment.

devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products


By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products.

Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking


Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all.




Promote tourism industry development

Promote tourism industry development

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry had to adjust its marketing strategies. The City organized the 2020 Taipei City Post-Pandemic Tourism Transformation Forum and participated in online international expos such as the “2020 Taiwan Online Travel Mart (Indonesia)”, “ITB Asia Virtual”, and “Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia” to promote Taipei's pandemic relief achievements and tourism resources.


Assist innovative companies with financing loans

Taipei City Government teamed up with banks in Taiwan to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and young entrepreneurs with grants and funding to foster industry development. Between 2015 and 2020, a total of 2,646 cases had been approved with a total loan amount of over NT$ 2,272.33 million.

Expand on-site employment matchmaking service

Expand on-site employment matchmaking service

Invite enterprises that are hiring to organize various recruitment events with real-time matchmaking and open, transparent interview channels. In total, 12 medium- to large-scale recruitment events and 418 small-scale events were held in 2020.



Create a cross-generational workplace management website

Taipei City established the “OkWork” website, providing diverse job-seeking channels and regularly publishing information about enterprises with age-friendly hiring practices to improve the utilization of the labor of middle-aged and senior citizens. In 2020, the website received a total of 14,423,637 views.





Strengthen employment counseling - promote lifelong careers

Strengthen employment counseling - promote lifelong careers

The “case management service model” is adopted to evaluate each job seeker's employability and understand any difficulties and needs they may have through an overview of their academic and professional background and professional one-on-one consultation provided at employment service offices. Individuals with proficient employability are recommended suitable employment opportunities. Those with insufficient employability or who do not meet the needs of the job market are recommended to participate in vocational training courses to develop an additional field of expertise.

For those who are inclined to start a business, the City offers entrepreneurship seminars that can give them entrepreneurial know-how. Entrepreneurial consultation services are also provided in the hopes that professional guidance can help reduce some of the difficulties of starting a business and increase the entrepreneurial success rate. As of the end of 2020, there had been 71,275 newly registered job seekers, 45,146 of which found actual employment, resulting in an employment rate of 63.34%. The number of newly registered job seekers that belong to specific target demographics was 37,276, of which 23,136 found actual employment, resulting in an employment rate of 62.07%. In 2020, employment service offices processed a total of 6,824 cases, provided general employment consultation to 15,084 people, in-depth employment consultation to 652 people, vocational aptitude test to 1,272 people, vocational training recommendations to 1,475 people, and job recommendations to 15,357 people, and helped 6,008 people find employment.

Meanwhile, senior citizens consultation service counters are set up to help middle-aged and senior citizens with lifelong career planning. The City has continued to set up new youth and seniors employment service stations to help everyone from the young to the elderly with lifelong career planning. The City has also promoted new senior-friendly employment models like youth-senior co-work and micro-tasking to help middle-aged and senior citizens rejoin the labor force, re-enter the job market, and work healthily. In 2020, employment service offices helped a total of 1,508 senior citizens find employment.

Taipei City 4-Year Occupational Safety Plan

To encourage businesses to pay attention to workplace safety, abide by labor laws and regulations, and actively implement occupational health and safety management, the City set a goal to conduct 21,707 occupational health and safety inspections in 2020 and ended up achieving 106.37% of that goal, conducting a total of 23,090 inspections.

By sharing resources, including instructors and teaching materials, the City established partnerships with relevant associations, unions, businesses, schools, government offices, and communities to help organize occupational health and safety training. In 2020, 1,654 training sessions were held for 89,943 attendees.

An occupational health and safety counseling group was established to help organize health and safety advocacy campaigns, counseling, and other relevant events. In 2020, the City held 290 counseling sessions for “interior decoration and small construction sites” due to the higher occupational injury rates of those fields, and 123 sessions for general industries.


Training courses and rights protection for migrant workers

Training courses and rights protection for migrant workers

The City has an assurance plan for employers hiring foreign caregivers. Based on the needs of the hiring family, professional teams of nurses and bilingual interpreters will conduct a health management assessment for the care recipient and make house calls to provide one-on-one technique training and care. Since 2019, these teams will also help migrant workers gain a better understanding of behavioral problems caused by dementia to prevent them from suffering occupational injuries or care recipients being injured and protect the rights and interests of both employers and migrant workers. The City began providing at-home training in May 2020 and, as of the end of 2020, had trained 486 people.

Meanwhile, the City institutionalized the mediation of migrant worker disputes, regularly organizing training workshops for lawyer mediators to discuss cases and regulation amendments to improve their abilities to mediate cases and increase the odds of successful mediations. The City also established a professional mediation SOP for disputed cases that included professional interpreters to maintain proper and professional division of labor and best protect the rights of employers and migrant workers alike. As of the end of 2020, labor disputes mediated by professional lawyers had a mediation success rate of 77.25%.


Organize vocational training camps and courses for middle-aged and senior citizens

Organize vocational training camps and courses for middle-aged and senior citizens

In response to the City becoming an aged society, the City organized short-term employment (career change) camps to help middle-aged and senior citizens gain some preliminary understanding of the characteristics of different industries so that they can find a career direction sooner. Middle-aged and senior citizens are also given priority when applying for on-the-job or general career change courses and training courses. In 2020, the Vocational Development Institute held 20 vocational (career change) camps for 255 middle-aged and senior citizens, nine outsourced intensive training courses that prioritize middle-aged and senior applicants were held 194 participants (129 of which were over the age of 45). Four outsourced intensive vocational training courses that prioritize middle-aged and senior applicants were held for 113 participants (65 of which were over the age of 45). 1,263 people (person-time) over the age of 45 participated in vocational training programs organized by the Vocational Development Institute in 2020, 1,211 person-time completed the program and 885 of which found employment.

Facilitate the employment of specific target demographics

Facilitate the employment of specific target demographics

To facilitate the employment of young, middle-aged, and senior citizens, the City organized employment fairs focused on these demographics, gathering age-friendly enterprises willing to hire middle-aged and senior citizens for appropriate positions to help middle-aged and senior citizens find employment. The employment fairs also integrated corporate internships, helping youths get student internships and full-time job opportunities through services such as mock interviews, resume checkups, and career consultation to facilitate youth employment. The “Employment Fair for Youths and Senior Citizens” was held on August 15, 2020 and attended by a total of 8,169 people with a 52.6% initial job matching rate for middle-aged and senior citizens. The “Employment Fair for Middle-Aged and Elderly People” was held on November 14 of the same year and attended by a total of 5,412 people with a 54.9% initial job matching rate for middle-aged and senior citizens. The City Government actively works to help senior citizens and the elderly find employment and uses these events to encourage enterprises to hire or consider the feasibility of hiring senior citizens.